By physicians who have been trained in
the most comprehensive medical education on earth,
whose goal is to restore and maintain health,
and whose highest professional allegiance
is to our patients.
COVID VACCINE Considerations

World Class Physicians
Naturopathic physicians have the most comprehensive medical education in the world, using individualized laboratory testing and imaging techniques, and combining the conventional and natural treatments most suited to you.

Diagnostic Imaging, Laboratory Tests and Physical Exams
You can expect your naturopathic physician to order the tests appropriate to your situation.
But that is not where it begins . . .
Great medicine
begins with listening
to the patient.
And naturopathic physicians make a priority of taking time to listen to the patient, and to consider the whole person.
What you may not know about
naturopathic medicine . . .
Naturopathic Physicians have the lowest malpractice insurance rates of any physicians: Average physician rates vs. Average naturopathic physician rates.
The safety record is unsurpassed, helping you avoid the disaster of misdiagnosis and mistreatment.
Naturopathic physicians have more than twice as many courses, and twice as many classroom hours, in medical school as medical doctors, and are licensed in both natural and conventional medicine.
See this curriculum comparison.
Dr.Huber's book is the most thoroughly researched book on COVID - and very readable

Video How you can benefit from a naturopathic physician's work
Primary Care Medicine - in a naturopathic clinic by Jared L. Zeff, ND
Time Magazine makes startling discovery:
Naturopaths were right all along about cardiovascular health.
PROOF: Lockdowns did not reduce deaths
Dr. Colleen Huber
The first study to prove that US lockdowns did not reduce COVID deaths