By physicians who have been trained in
the most comprehensive medical education on earth,
whose goal is to restore and maintain health,
and whose highest professional allegiance
is to our patients.
COVID VACCINE Considerations
Whole Body Medicine
at The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic
© Bonnie Wick, NMD
One of the problems with conventional medicine today, is that we’ve become compartmentalized and have taken apart the body into several different pieces, having a “specialist” for each part. In so doing, we’ve eliminated the understanding that every part affects the other, and the whole body works together.

The Natural Choice Family Health Clinic is dedicated to the goal of helping people attain their maximum health desire, according to their body’s ability to heal. We believe firmly in the fact that our bodies can heal when given what is needed and any blocks to healing removed. We use different modalities to accomplish this. Since every person is different, similar diseases can occur due to different causes and require different treatments. We set aside the box of pharmaceutical chemicals to only be used as a temporary stabilizing factor. Treatments include IV nutrients, IV chelation therapy, UVBI/ozone, Ondamed, NAET, nutritional counseling, minimal but necessary supplementation, lifestyle modifications, far infrared sauna, detoxification protocols, Biomat, ionic foot baths, therapeutic massage, vibration plate, etc. Most of our patients can eliminate the need for most, if not all, of their medications.
Sometimes people ask, “What diseases do you treat?” The answer to that is fairly simple, yet becomes complex in the activation, “We treat people, not just diseases.” In order to help the body heal from any disease, it is important that we at least attempt to locate the cause, or possible cause, and eliminate that at the same time as we use what we need to in order to treat the disease also. So, basically, we treat any disease because our focus is on the person, with an acknowledgement and understanding of ways to help handle the disease also.
One of the problems with conventional medicine today, is that we’ve become compartmentalized and have taken apart the body into several different pieces, having a “specialist” for each part. In so doing, we’ve eliminated the understanding that every part affects the other, and the whole body works together. Although it is nice to have doctors who know more specific functions of each part, we’ve found that these doctors often only know the drugs really well and how they function, becoming well-equipped at managing diseases of these parts through juggling the medications, forgetting the physiology behind the organ system for which they are supposed to work. All this is why, as much as possible, unless surgical or pharmaceutical intervention is needed at least temporarily, we work with the whole body, using body-friendly methods and substances to encourage healing and the ultimate health ability for each person.
Because of our many years of training and expertise in the subject, our specialty is IV chelation therapy, both for removing toxins and for healing the cardiovascular system. In fact, this therapy has proven to be extremely beneficial in supporting the whole body - influencing every system in one way or the other, with very few if any side effects. Many medical doctors all around the world are now turning to this therapy as an excellent addition to their practice.
Basically, we know that the body can heal when given the proper substance and/or remove the problem. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, or toxic chemicals combined with genetics, can all cause many chronic problems. When we remove these and supply the body with healing substances, it’s amazing to watch what happens. We see these results daily. That’s what real healing medicine can do when given the chance.
Visit our website at or call 480-372-3709 for more information.